
The world groans

In its agony.

For decadence

Pollutes its people.

Darkness enriches itself

As light is snuffed out,

Everywhere retreating,


The art of butchery

Is highly honed

As war spreads

Its tendrils

Across the globe.

Terrorizing the weak,

Emboldening the strong.

Suffering has become

The norm which

Life is based upon.


If you enjoy these poems perhaps you might like to read POEMS: AN EXPLORATION OF LIFE.  My first book now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle worldwide.

3 thoughts on “The World Suffers

  1. Looking at this from the heart of stay at home pandemic, and currently healthy, it is strange how the world chooses to heal itself. Castaneda, wasn’t it, who said we are most alive when closest to death; and Jung it was I think who outed alchemy, that ability of the world to be whole when it is both terrible and wonderful at the same time. I watch the light rise over the forest from my bedroom window; the traffic on the nearby road has dulled, and I can hear birdsong; pollution has become suddenly less. I am a little concerned about our freedoms and I know there will be economic consequences coming. But for now we get to pause.


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