fog-foggy-mist-5230Driving through fog

is alot like living life.

Everything is cloudy,

wispy, and unclear.

Things come upon you,

materialize instantly,

startle and amaze,

then disappear,

to never be seen again.

Friendships and loves,

dislikes and faves,

come and go

like ships passing in the night.

One thing to remember,

is the feeling of peace,

empowerment even though alone,

one feels in the fog.

This is what you should feel

while you live your life

rather than fear,

fear of failure,

fear of being alone,

fear of death.

Let it all go and just BE.

© 2018

If you enjoy these poems perhaps you might like to read POEMS: AN EXPLORATION OF LIFE My first book now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle worldwide.

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